For legal reasons, we explicitly state that the above-mentioned information, as well as any other information provided elsewhere on our website, does not constitute advertising for the diagnosis, treatment, or alleviation of terminal, tumor, or cancerous diseases. The investigation, evaluation, and interpretation of oncological laboratory tests are exclusively carried out by certified laboratories and (pathological) institutes, or similar organizations.

To comply with the legal requirements of the German Advertising of Medicinal Products Act (HWG) and to provide a better understanding of the statements on this website, we explicitly emphasize the experimental nature and the "alternative" approach of the products/therapies used in the field of so-called "complementary medicine." This means that there are currently no generally recognized scientific findings regarding the benefit-risk profile. As a result, the use of these treatments may involve unknown risks – a successful outcome is possible but not guaranteed.

Dr. med. Stefan Baumert

Infusion therapy

Infusions are administered according to individual needs, based either on anamnesis or on results of the vital field analysis.

Examples of preparations we offer:

  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione / Eumetabol
  • Procaine – base infusion
  • Vitamin B12
  • EDTA chelation therapy
  • DMSO
  • MMS
  • MSM
  • NAD+ (NADH)
  • All amino acids
  • Mugwort / artesunate
  • B17 / amygdalin
  • and numerous homeopathic therapeutics and phytotherapeutics

OZONE therapy - the activated oxygen

How is ozone gas administered?

► via an injection into a muscle or under the skin
► via an infusion
► via rectal insufflation
► ozone cupping via the skin

What does oxygen do in the human body?

No oxygen, no life!
Every human cell needs oxygen for its metabolism. Without it, the cell dies.

Why three atoms instead of two atoms of oxygen?

The oxygen (O2) available in the air for the human body to breathe consists of two oxygen atoms. Ozone (O3) is an active oxygen with three oxygen atoms. Where the human body is no longer able to supply tissue with vital oxygen such as in the so-called 'smokers' leg' or in the case of a heart attack, the use of ozone can be of crucial importance. Ozone immediately releases an oxygen atom in the form of the highly active "oxygen in statu nascendi". This can be delivered directly to the red blood cells. Thus, through the administration of ozone, oxygen can reach cells that are currently suffering from diseases like, for example, the above mentioned circulatory issues.

How does ozone work?

In medicine, various properties of ozone are useful:

► bactericidal effect:
destroys bacteria, for cleansing wounds, boils etc.

► virucidal effect:
destroys viruses, highly effective in combating viral infections such as hepatitis or herpes zoster/simplex

► fungicidal effect:
destroys fungi, has a positive effect on therapy-resistant fungal infections in various locations

► granulation-promoting effect:
aids wound healing

► circulation-promoting effect:
useful for circulatory disorders of the brain, heart and periphery (arms, legs)

► reducing or normalising effect:
on various blood components, eg. fats (arteriosclerosis), uric acid (gout), blood sugar (diabetes mellitus), creatinine (kidney disease)

► detoxifying effect:
on liver and kidneys

► pain relieving:
useful in rheumatism therapy and cancer therapy

► lowering fermentation metabolism:
promotes oxygen exchange, therefore an indispensable use in cancer therapy!

Platelet-rich plasma therapy

Platelet-rich plasma is produced from one's own blood.
This is the part of blood in which "self healing" components are contained in high concentrations. Autologous PRP is produced from one's own blood and essentially contains high concentrations of growth factors and possibly a few stem cells. Local application can accelerate healing and stimulate cell regeneration/growth using the body's own active ingredients.
► Orthopedic application
► Wound treatment
► Hair therapy
► Anti-aging

Vital field therapy

After performing a vital field analysis or symptom (usually chronic) analysis, the body's vital field is stimulated - either in general or very specifically - with the help of vital field technology devices thus increasing healing responses. “you can find out more here”


We perform surgical procedures which are possible with a local anesthetic.
For example, in the treatment of:
  • warts
  • lipomas
  • atheromas
  • foreign bodies
  • abscesses
as well as aesthetic applications.


We use nitrous oxide instead of nitrogen, nitrous oxide is less painful.
For example in the treatment of:
  • warts
  • age spots
  • acanthosis
as well as aesthetic applications.

Metabolic diet and detox

Weight loss is the side effect of a total detoxification process - based on research results of hormone specialist Dr. Simons - which from our point of view is essential for dissolving toxin stores (essentially our fat cells). For a period of time nutritional supplements of the highest quality  are provided to optimally support cells and to intercept, reduce or neutralise released toxins which are then excreted via the lungs, kidneys, liver and/or lymph and skin.
Activity, ie. your active participation plus an activator are and remain the cornerstones of detoxification and weight loss.
Additionally, in the case of highly motivated patients or those suffering from a severe chronic illness, hydro-colon therapy together with restoration of gut health using pro- and prebiotics as well as 'Heilmoor' (moor mud) is recommended.

Neural therapy

Neural therapy is a method in regulatory medicine. Pain management patients in particular are familiar with it as a powerful aid with few side effects. However, the range of uses of neural therapy, a recognised method in conventional medicine since 2019, is much more extensive; from tinnitus to gastro-intestinal disorders, sciatica to nervous restlessness.
Further information on neural therapy here.

Atlas in focus

In the majority of people, the atlas is not in balance (and possibly hasn't been since birth). Using a very gentle method, the body is supported in the self-alignment of the atlas. Potential clinical pictures for which this form of therapy may be beneficial include: tinnitus, migraines, high blood pressure, respiritory difficulties, nervous restlessness as well as all symptoms of the musculoskeletal system. Three to seven sessions may be required. Depending on symptoms, it may need a healing or relieving approach.


Cupping is used for medical conditions in the area of muscle hardening, acidification and pain as well as issues relating to the interaction between fascia and muscles. It stimulates blood circulation and can also have positive effects on internal organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver etc. via segment-regulatory complexes. A distinction is made between dry and wet cupping. We use both procedures depending on diagnosis and patient.

Hydro-Colon Therapy

Hydro-colon therapy refers to the professional and gentle cleansing of the colon. This therapeutic method, alone or in combination with other health measures, targets the place where our health lies (= the gut) to rebuild and renew. We recommend hydro-colon therapies during fasting, for irritable bowel syndrome and abnormal colonisation. A healthy gut profits from hydro-colon therapy once every one or two years. Gut related diseases requiring therapy may need up to five hydro-colon therapies per month.

Special therapies and treatment options for tumors

In addition to our complementary medical treatment options such as artesunate, high-dose vitamin C, ozone, misteltoe, THC, methadone etc., there is pioneering diagnostics (see here) which, in our opinion, could become the key to a new world of therapy. Supplementary to oncological guidelines, after performing tests to establish the specific type of tumor tissue, we can individually recognise tumors and destroy them. Nevertheless, nowhere in medicine is healing less predictable than here. We provide care on both mental and physical levels.
In the spirit of the concept "THERE IS NOTHING BAD WITHOUT SOMETHING GOOD" it is important to resolve diagnosis trauma in order to be able to take productive action and to know: life cannot be more intense than when we look into the eyes of the person who has accompanied us from birth ... “you can find out more here”


We also perform aesthetic treatments with botox, thread lifting, hyaluronic acid, PRP.

Please feel free to talk to us.